Color Psychology

Color psychology is the study of hues as a determinant of human behavior. Colors can cause certain emotional reactions, and even influence perceptions that are not necessarily conscious. Color psychology is used all around us, taking its cues from nature, and should be considered in marketing and branding. The following are just some common color associations.

  • Blue – calm, tranquil, refreshing, stable, responsible, peaceful, relaxing, sad
  • Green – environmental, healthy, lucky, growth, finances, harmony, soothing, renewal
  • Purple – royal, luxurious, intriguing, magical, mysterious, military honor, wealth, spiritual
  • Red – passionate, high energy, love, warmth, fire, war, anger, danger, confidence
  • Orange – young, affordable, vitality, friendly, humorous, seasonal
  • Yellow – energizing, happy, caution, youthful, playful, cheerful, friendly
  • Pink – fun, feminine, upbeat, sweet, delicate, romantic, peaceful
  • Gray – neutral, professional, efficient, formal, corporate
  • Black – luxurious, powerful, formal, elegant, darkness, mysterious, sexual, creepy
  • White – clean, pure, blank, simple, honorable, peaceful, bland, cold, young
  • Brown – reliable, old-fashioned, earthy, masculine, natural, dependable, warm
Random letter

What is Typography?

Essentially, typography is the visual component of the written word. It is the technique, and art, of arranging letters in a way that makes the text legible, clear, and visually appealing to the reader. Typography involves the structure, size, weight, and style of the characters. It also considers the amount of space between the letters,…


A Brand Refresh fit for a (Burger) King

Not too long ago, Burger King underwent a major brand refresh not too long ago! They hadn’t rebranded since 1999, and this new rebrand feels super fresh and juicy. At first glance, some may think they simply returned to their most successful old logos, of which appeared in 1969 and 1994 – but it’s so…

Male hand drawing a light bulb over blue background in a conceptual image.

How to Create a Brand

Building a strong brand is essential for any business looking to stand out in today’s highly competitive market. A successful branding strategy can help you connect with your target audience, build trust, and differentiate your business from your competitors. Here are some tips on how to build a strong brand for your business: Determine your…

Connecting icon people square wooden block for social media people network concept

Do You Need a Social Media Presence?

The answer is a definitive, yes. Maintaining a consistent social media presence helps establish your brand, enforces brand cohesiveness, helps strengthen connections with existing clients, and builds trust with potential clients. An effective social media strategy requires strategic planning and a committed effort, but has many benefits for your business. Your business’s social media content…


What is the Difference Between Serif and Sans-Serif Typefaces?

You may have heard the terms serif and sans-serif before, but do you know what those terms actually mean? In typography, a serif is a small line, stroke, or other decorative flair regularly attached to the end of a larger stroke in a letter or symbol within a particular font or family of fonts. “Sans”…

Group of business people assembling jigsaw puzzle and represent team support and help concept

Why It’s Important To Have A Brand Promise

In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing business landscape, it’s more important than ever for companies to establish a clear and compelling brand promise. A strong brand promise not only helps companies differentiate themselves from their competitors, but also sets expectations for customers and helps build trust and loyalty. According to Seth Godin, a marketing expert and…


5 Ways a Well-Built Brand Makes Your Company Money

We all know standing out in a crowded market is essential for success. One way to do that is by creating and maintaining a well-built brand. After all, your brand is more than just a logo and a tagline, it’s the image and perception that customers have of your business. A strong brand sets you…

Retro effect faded and toned image of a graphic designer working with digital tablet pen, over black background.

Different Applications of Graphic Design Skills

There are a lot of different possible applications for graphic design. Some graphic designers or agencies will specialize, or be niche-specific. However, many brands often require numerous avenues for approaching brand awareness. Since a branding agency concerns itself with your brand on a comprehensive level—from the tiniest details to the big picture—they can be a…