Color Psychology

Color psychology is the study of hues as a determinant of human behavior. Colors can cause certain emotional reactions, and even influence perceptions that are not necessarily conscious. Color psychology is used all around us, taking its cues from nature, and should be considered in marketing and branding. The following are just some common color associations.

  • Blue – calm, tranquil, refreshing, stable, responsible, peaceful, relaxing, sad
  • Green – environmental, healthy, lucky, growth, finances, harmony, soothing, renewal
  • Purple – royal, luxurious, intriguing, magical, mysterious, military honor, wealth, spiritual
  • Red – passionate, high energy, love, warmth, fire, war, anger, danger, confidence
  • Orange – young, affordable, vitality, friendly, humorous, seasonal
  • Yellow – energizing, happy, caution, youthful, playful, cheerful, friendly
  • Pink – fun, feminine, upbeat, sweet, delicate, romantic, peaceful
  • Gray – neutral, professional, efficient, formal, corporate
  • Black – luxurious, powerful, formal, elegant, darkness, mysterious, sexual, creepy
  • White – clean, pure, blank, simple, honorable, peaceful, bland, cold, young
  • Brown – reliable, old-fashioned, earthy, masculine, natural, dependable, warm
Broken bulb on black background

8 Signs You Need to Update Your Brand

In today’s ever-changing business landscape, it’s important for companies to continually assess and update their brand to remain relevant and competitive. A brand is more than just a logo; it’s the perception that customers have of your business. Therefore, if your brand is outdated or suffering from negative perceptions, it’s time to re-evaluate and refresh…

Random letter

What is Typography?

Essentially, typography is the visual component of the written word. It is the technique, and art, of arranging letters in a way that makes the text legible, clear, and visually appealing to the reader. Typography involves the structure, size, weight, and style of the characters. It also considers the amount of space between the letters,…

Crop casual man working in typography and setting colorful inks in printing equipment

When Should You Utilize Digital Printing?

Digital printing is probably what most people are most familiar with, since you probably have one at home. Inkjet printers and laser printers are found in many homes, schools, and offices. Of course, these are generally consumer-level digital printers. For digital printing, images are sent directly to the printer using digital files, as opposed to…

Jax Beach Water Tower

What Makes a Logo Successful?

A logo serves to represent your company through a visual image that can be easily understood and recognized. Logos generally involve symbols, stylized text, or both. A good logo should create memorable impressions on your target audience, and set your company apart from your competitors. So, what makes a logo successful? A successful logo will…


5 Ways a Well-Built Brand Makes Your Company Money

We all know standing out in a crowded market is essential for success. One way to do that is by creating and maintaining a well-built brand. After all, your brand is more than just a logo and a tagline, it’s the image and perception that customers have of your business. A strong brand sets you…

Robotic maintenance repair fix concept. IT specialist robot transformer with pliers, smiley face computer, error warning message on blue screen. Red wall, brown floor background

Comical Global Branding Fails

Even the biggest brands can make mistakes when bringing their brand to new markets. A company should always carefully research and identify any cultural differences, or language translations, when expanding their business. You want to catch any possible missteps before they happen. Here are some epic fails for a good laugh. Coca-Cola When first launched…


Advertising, Marketing, or Branding Agency?

Choosing an agency to help with your advertising, marketing, or branding needs can seem overwhelming. The agency you choose will play an important role in determining how your potential clients view your company. Which one do you need? If you imagine agencies in healthcare terms – marketing agencies are generalists (the basic needs), advertising agencies…


The Difference Between Graphic Art and Graphic Design

Graphic Art – the fine and applied art of representation, decoration, and writing or printing on flat surfaces together with the techniques and crafts associated with them. Essentially, a graphic artist may create art for the sake of art. They may want to convey a certain idea or story, or they may not. Graphic artists…