We’ve compiled a list of the world’s most recognized logos. Yes, many of these logos have gone through some tweaks throughout the years, but for fun, we listed the year the first version of their current logo appeared. Some of these companies have even been around longer than their currently recognizable logo! It just goes to show it’s never too late to reconsider your brand image and set yourself up for success.
How to Create a Brand
Building a strong brand is essential for any business looking to stand out in today’s highly competitive market. A successful branding strategy can help you connect with your target audience, build trust, and differentiate your business from your competitors. Here are some tips on how to build a strong brand for your business: Determine your…
How Good Branding Saves Your Company Money
Many businesses make the mistake of throwing money at marketing without thinking enough about their brand, as a whole. Paid media campaigns might garner attention, but they can’t necessarily retain it and convert as many customers without solid branding. A company with a consistent, strong perception amongst audiences will always outperform competitors with the same…
Remixed’s 10 Step Process
Our 10-step process is the backbone of our customer journey. From the initial discovery phase, where we listen to the client and understand their strategic objectives, to strategic development, design, multiple rounds of refinement, and the final deployment of deliverables, clients should experience an engaging, collaborative, and satisfying journey with our agency. Listen (Discovery Phase):…
A Brand Refresh fit for a (Burger) King
Not too long ago, Burger King underwent a major brand refresh not too long ago! They hadn’t rebranded since 1999, and this new rebrand feels super fresh and juicy. At first glance, some may think they simply returned to their most successful old logos, of which appeared in 1969 and 1994 – but it’s so…
Comical Global Branding Fails
Even the biggest brands can make mistakes when bringing their brand to new markets. A company should always carefully research and identify any cultural differences, or language translations, when expanding their business. You want to catch any possible missteps before they happen. Here are some epic fails for a good laugh. Coca-Cola When first launched…
The Difference Between Graphic Art and Graphic Design
Graphic Art – the fine and applied art of representation, decoration, and writing or printing on flat surfaces together with the techniques and crafts associated with them. Essentially, a graphic artist may create art for the sake of art. They may want to convey a certain idea or story, or they may not. Graphic artists…
Typefaces & Fonts Do More Than Transmit Words
Do the typefaces and fonts you choose for your brand materials matter? As long as it’s in a language the audience understands, they’ll get the intended message, right? Wrong. Typefaces and fonts are essentially the shapes of the letters. Shapes are multi-sensory, meaning they affect more than one of your senses and can easily elicit…
6 Benefits of Choosing a Local Agency
When it comes to branding and marketing, choosing the right agency is crucial. While larger global agencies may seem like the obvious choice, working with a local agency can provide unique benefits that can make a big difference in the success of your branding efforts. In this article, we’ll explore six key reasons why working…