How Good Branding Saves Your Company Money

Many businesses make the mistake of throwing money at marketing without thinking enough about their brand, as a whole. Paid media campaigns might garner attention, but they can’t necessarily retain it and convert as many customers without solid branding. A company with a consistent, strong perception amongst audiences will always outperform competitors with the same marketing spend. With good branding, your company can even see the same results, while spending less money.

When companies get branding right early on, they can spend less on advertising and marketing, because they’re able to establish loyal customers and advocates within their target audiences. Well strategized and tactically-activated branding effectively conveys a company’s identity, culture, and values to their products, and then to their customer base. A good ad doesn’t necessarily mean a good product, and audiences know this. When you’ve built a strong, compelling brand, customers have more faith in what it is you offer.

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Do You Need a Social Media Presence?

The answer is a definitive, yes. Maintaining a consistent social media presence helps establish your brand, enforces brand cohesiveness, helps strengthen connections with existing clients, and builds trust with potential clients. An effective social media strategy requires strategic planning and a committed effort, but has many benefits for your business. Your business’s social media content…


Why You Should Care About Branding Your Business

It is safe to assume most everyone will look you up on Google prior to visiting your business, hiring you for a service, or purchasing your products and/or services. Whenever you interact with people, whether in-person or online, how you present your brand is exceedingly important. Think of all of the brands you know. While…


How Dunkin’ Successfully Rebranded in 2019

The history of Dunkin’ began with a restaurant called “Open Kettle” in Massachusetts, in 1948. Founder William Rosenberg served donuts for five cents and premium cups of coffee for ten cents. Rosenberg renamed his restaurant “Dunkin’ Donuts” in 1950, and franchised his brand in 1955. Since 1950, the number of Dunkin’ restaurants has increased to…


5 Ways a Well-Built Brand Makes Your Company Money

We all know standing out in a crowded market is essential for success. One way to do that is by creating and maintaining a well-built brand. After all, your brand is more than just a logo and a tagline, it’s the image and perception that customers have of your business. A strong brand sets you…

Portrait of content young printing specialist in glasses standing at printing press

Offset Lithography Printing

Offset Lithography is a printing technique that uses printing plates to transfer the intended image to the intended medium, usually paper. Sometimes this technique is simply called offset printing, or litho. The printing plates are often made of aluminum, but can also be plastic, rubber, paper, or even other materials. The term offset refers to…

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8 Signs You Need to Update Your Brand

In today’s ever-changing business landscape, it’s important for companies to continually assess and update their brand to remain relevant and competitive. A brand is more than just a logo; it’s the perception that customers have of your business. Therefore, if your brand is outdated or suffering from negative perceptions, it’s time to re-evaluate and refresh…


6 Reasons why a Strong Brand is Important for your Small Business

Building a strong brand is a critical component of any successful business. A well-crafted brand strategy not only helps businesses establish recognition and build trust with their customers, but also supports advertising efforts and inspires employees. Furthermore, strong branding can increase a business’s financial value and generate new business opportunities through word-of-mouth referrals. As the…

Close up of turntable neede on a vinyl record. Turntable playing vinyl record

Remixed’s 10 Step Process

Our 10-step process is the backbone of our customer journey. From the initial discovery phase, where we listen to the client and understand their strategic objectives, to strategic development, design, multiple rounds of refinement, and the final deployment of deliverables, clients should experience an engaging, collaborative, and satisfying journey with our agency. Listen (Discovery Phase):…