Color Psychology

Color psychology is the study of hues as a determinant of human behavior. Colors can cause certain emotional reactions, and even influence perceptions that are not necessarily conscious. Color psychology is used all around us, taking its cues from nature, and should be considered in marketing and branding. The following are just some common color associations.

  • Blue – calm, tranquil, refreshing, stable, responsible, peaceful, relaxing, sad
  • Green – environmental, healthy, lucky, growth, finances, harmony, soothing, renewal
  • Purple – royal, luxurious, intriguing, magical, mysterious, military honor, wealth, spiritual
  • Red – passionate, high energy, love, warmth, fire, war, anger, danger, confidence
  • Orange – young, affordable, vitality, friendly, humorous, seasonal
  • Yellow – energizing, happy, caution, youthful, playful, cheerful, friendly
  • Pink – fun, feminine, upbeat, sweet, delicate, romantic, peaceful
  • Gray – neutral, professional, efficient, formal, corporate
  • Black – luxurious, powerful, formal, elegant, darkness, mysterious, sexual, creepy
  • White – clean, pure, blank, simple, honorable, peaceful, bland, cold, young
  • Brown – reliable, old-fashioned, earthy, masculine, natural, dependable, warm
The silhouettes of concert crowd in front of bright stage lights. Concert of an abstract rock band

The Importance of a Social Media Presence

Social media has become an integral part of our lives, with billions of people across the globe using these platforms to connect, engage, and share content. For businesses, social media provides a powerful opportunity to build brand awareness, connect with customers, and drive growth. In today’s competitive marketplace, having a social media presence is no…


Why Colors Matter

Choosing the right colors for your brand is a crucial step in building a strong and effective visual identity. While color preference is subjective, certain colors are associated with specific traits or emotions that can influence how your brand is perceived by your target audiences. Understanding color psychology and its impact on branding can help…


The Future of Branding: How Technology is Shaping the Industry

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Flexible vs. Fixed Agency Pricing

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The Difference Between Graphic Art and Graphic Design

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Random letter

What is Typography?

Essentially, typography is the visual component of the written word. It is the technique, and art, of arranging letters in a way that makes the text legible, clear, and visually appealing to the reader. Typography involves the structure, size, weight, and style of the characters. It also considers the amount of space between the letters,…

Piggy bank on calculator concept for saving, accounting, banking and business account

How Good Branding Saves Your Company Money

Many businesses make the mistake of throwing money at marketing without thinking enough about their brand, as a whole. Paid media campaigns might garner attention, but they can’t necessarily retain it and convert as many customers without solid branding. A company with a consistent, strong perception amongst audiences will always outperform competitors with the same…


Avoid These 6 Branding Mistakes

In today’s highly competitive market, a strong brand presence is essential for any business to thrive. But building and maintaining a powerful brand is no easy feat. It requires careful attention to detail, strategic planning, and consistency. Unfortunately, many businesses falter by making critical branding and marketing mistakes that can hinder their long-term success. From…