Color Psychology

Color psychology is the study of hues as a determinant of human behavior. Colors can cause certain emotional reactions, and even influence perceptions that are not necessarily conscious. Color psychology is used all around us, taking its cues from nature, and should be considered in marketing and branding. The following are just some common color associations.

  • Blue – calm, tranquil, refreshing, stable, responsible, peaceful, relaxing, sad
  • Green – environmental, healthy, lucky, growth, finances, harmony, soothing, renewal
  • Purple – royal, luxurious, intriguing, magical, mysterious, military honor, wealth, spiritual
  • Red – passionate, high energy, love, warmth, fire, war, anger, danger, confidence
  • Orange – young, affordable, vitality, friendly, humorous, seasonal
  • Yellow – energizing, happy, caution, youthful, playful, cheerful, friendly
  • Pink – fun, feminine, upbeat, sweet, delicate, romantic, peaceful
  • Gray – neutral, professional, efficient, formal, corporate
  • Black – luxurious, powerful, formal, elegant, darkness, mysterious, sexual, creepy
  • White – clean, pure, blank, simple, honorable, peaceful, bland, cold, young
  • Brown – reliable, old-fashioned, earthy, masculine, natural, dependable, warm

Typefaces & Fonts Do More Than Transmit Words

Do the typefaces and fonts you choose for your brand materials matter? As long as it’s in a language the audience understands, they’ll get the intended message, right? Wrong. Typefaces and fonts are essentially the shapes of the letters. Shapes are multi-sensory, meaning they affect more than one of your senses and can easily elicit…

Connecting icon people square wooden block for social media people network concept

Do You Need a Social Media Presence?

The answer is a definitive, yes. Maintaining a consistent social media presence helps establish your brand, enforces brand cohesiveness, helps strengthen connections with existing clients, and builds trust with potential clients. An effective social media strategy requires strategic planning and a committed effort, but has many benefits for your business. Your business’s social media content…

Portrait of content young printing specialist in glasses standing at printing press

Offset Lithography Printing

Offset Lithography is a printing technique that uses printing plates to transfer the intended image to the intended medium, usually paper. Sometimes this technique is simply called offset printing, or litho. The printing plates are often made of aluminum, but can also be plastic, rubber, paper, or even other materials. The term offset refers to…


Advertising, Marketing, or Branding Agency?

Choosing an agency to help with your advertising, marketing, or branding needs can seem overwhelming. The agency you choose will play an important role in determining how your potential clients view your company. Which one do you need? If you imagine agencies in healthcare terms – marketing agencies are generalists (the basic needs), advertising agencies…

Wooden path to the beach. Morning sky

4 Things to Consider When Embarking on a Rebrand

Your brand is the foundation of your business. It communicates who you are, what you do, and why you do it. But what happens when your brand no longer aligns with your business goals or fails to resonate with your target audience? This is where a rebrand can come into play. A rebrand can help…

Retro effect faded and toned image of a graphic designer working with digital tablet pen, over black background.

Different Applications of Graphic Design Skills

There are a lot of different possible applications for graphic design. Some graphic designers or agencies will specialize, or be niche-specific. However, many brands often require numerous avenues for approaching brand awareness. Since a branding agency concerns itself with your brand on a comprehensive level—from the tiniest details to the big picture—they can be a…


REMIXED Named Top Branding Agency in Orlando Award on Clutch

At REMIXED, we help brands connect with their audiences through expertly crafted branding strategies. We’re a full-service and multi-disciplinary branding agency that provides everything from brand building to message promotion to marketing management. Since 2006, we’ve been working with brands of all sizes across various industries, including hospitality, retail, entertainment, nonprofit, government, and more. We…

Piggy bank on calculator concept for saving, accounting, banking and business account

How Good Branding Saves Your Company Money

Many businesses make the mistake of throwing money at marketing without thinking enough about their brand, as a whole. Paid media campaigns might garner attention, but they can’t necessarily retain it and convert as many customers without solid branding. A company with a consistent, strong perception amongst audiences will always outperform competitors with the same…